Being a software developer for more than 12 years and working with various languages and programming technologies makes me feel confident to face any problem in the world of software engineering. My experience was acquired by working in various industries - from writing code for embedded systems to web apps and web services, client–server models and game programming. I have actively participated in creating software architectures for commercial projects. My main goal when writing software is to provide efficient, reusable, reliable and well optimized code within an Object-Oriented Design. I prefer to work on Linux as it provides more flexible and reliable working environment.
I'm interested in freelance projects for mobile devices (React Native), web applications (JavaScript/Node.js/React), audio processing, machine learning, front end applications, single page applications, complex backend computations, etc. My favorite software technologies and languages are Node.js, React, TypeScript, C++.
My passions and motivators are hiking, playing and composing music, mountain bike riding and sport.